Friday, June 3, 2011

They sold!

I sold my My Little Pony and my Pastel Butterfly tags recently. I couldn't tell you how excited I am! I really need to start marketing my product more. Tyler and I recently found out that we are pregnant and I need to start making some extra money for the baby. It would really help us out if these tags would sell at a higher volume. I might be getting my work into craft fairs and the like thanks to my dads fiance Fonna. She also has many crafts that she sells. Thanks to her, I might be able to get my product out there more. I am so excited to see what comes of all my hard work. I believe in my product and I have faith that it will do well! Thank you everyone for your support!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Where to sell?

So far I have actually had the most luck on a free site I actually really like this site. I can add product for free and sell for free. I just have to get a tracking number and they send me a check. I actually like this site the best.

As for Ebay, I think that I am going to stop selling on there. I have not made any money and I have yet to even get any views on my product. So for me right now I think that it is a waste of my time.

I do still like Etsy. I know that I have not made any money on there yet, but at least I get to have my post online for four months for only $0.20. If I sell anything then they get a percentage of what I make but I think that it is worth it.

As for my website, I think that I might not use it right now. I might just get rid of it until I make a better name for myself. I don't think that spending the money on a website every month is really worth it right now.

Craigslist is great for local selling but so far nothing has come of it. One day, I will be making enough money to support all my dreams, but right now I will do what I have to on the free sites to get myself going!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ebay... Yes or no?

I have listed on thing on Ebay with no success. Not even one bid. I decided to give it one more shot and try again listing the same item at a lower price. I don't know if I like Ebay or not. Has anyone else had any luck on Ebay or does it just tend to be a waste of money? The first time I listed my My Little Pony tags it cost me $0.75 and this time to re list it was $0.40. The first time it was listed I only was able to list it for 7 days and this time it allowed me to list it for 10. I really don't know if it is worth it or not. I know that I have heard a lot of "success stories" when it does come to selling on Ebay but so far I am not one of them. If nothing comes of this listing, I think that I may think twice next time that I want to list something on Ebay.
So far I think that I am liking Etsy a lot better. Their listing fee is only $0.20 for four months. Hopefully that will end up working out for me. So far nothing but I am trying to not lose hope. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I FINALLY created a website after much frustration. I am really proud of myself that I overcame that obstacle. Maybe to some of you out there it may seem like an easy task, but to me it was more of a challenge then I expected... glad that is over with! It may not be the best website in the world, but for now it definitely works! I am excited to see if the website brings in any more money.
To be completely honest, which I am trying to do in this blog, I have not sold anything yet. As you can see on my Etsy page, I opened up shop on April 5, 2011. I figure that I need to give myself more than just a month before I become disappointed. I have read on many websites that it takes about 6 months to a year for a small business that is built solely online to actually get going. I really hope that it doesn't take that long, but I am willing to wait if I eventually get to make this my career. I would get to do the thing that I love to do for the rest of my life.
I cant tell people how happy scrapbooking makes me. I think that it is because it is something that I used to share with my mom. For those of you out there who don't know, I lost my mom on March 1, 2006. It hit me and my family really hard, which is expected. I think that I try to hold on and cherish the memories of her and scrapbooking is one way that my mom lives on. I know that she would be happy that I am actually trying to get this business going.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Trying to build a website....

 Butterfly tags

Right now I have been online for 2 days trying to build a website. It is a lot harder than it looks. I wish there was just a really simple way to have one built that didn't cost a lot of money. I am trying Intuits 30 day free trial and I keep having to start over with the website because something goes wrong. Even though I grew up with computers, I still have a really hard time sometimes. Oh well... I will either figure it out or I wont. For anyone who is interested I do have a yardsale account

And I also have an Etsy account 

Both of these pages have my products on them and hopefully soon I will have a running website. The frustrations of starting a website....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Little yellow and orange ducky tags

I have recently added really cute yellow and orange ducky tags to the list of things that I am selling. I love these tags. I personally would use them for baby shower name settings or party favors but the options are endless for these tags. When I saw the embellishments in the store I knew that they would be a hit. I love all the glitter that has been added to the embellishment itself and the rhinestone on the ducky is sooo cute! Paired with the yellow and orange card stock and ribbon, they are perfect for many occasions!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Introducing Too Stinkin' Cute Scrapping

My name is Holly Sholes and I have been scrapbooking for over ten years now. My mom was the one that introduced me to scrapbooking and I decided that I needed turn my passion and hobby into a business. I have currently opened up shop on etsy. I hope to make this blog about the journey and complications of starting a new small business online. Here is the link to my current website