Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Personalized gifts

I can't believe that it is that time of year again! Christmas is right around the corner. It really is time to start thinking about what to get for your loved ones. Too Stinkin' Cute Scrapping can help with your personalized gifts. Is there something that you have seen on Pinterest that you want to make but don't have the time? Is there a gift that you have thought about doing but don't know how to make it? If you have an idea of what you want I can help.

I have done many personalized gifts over the years including calenders, scrapbooks, mugs, themed baskets, bookmarks and much more. Feel free to contact me with anything that will make your Christmas shopping a little easier!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ordering cards and tags for Christmas

Make sure to preorder your Christmas cards! Christmas is my busiest time of the year so get your orders in early. If you have any special additions such as a family photo just let me know.

If Christmas cards are not for you, I also do gift tags. I usually charge 50 cents a tag depending on supplies.

I can ship anywhere in the United States and I only charge shipping, no handling charges. Make sure to contact me with any questions that you have!