Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Additional product for the Kent and Burien Farmers markets

I have two new chairs for the farmers markets. The first one is another flower chair. I am selling it for $25. Originally I had the other chair posted for $15 but I had so many requests for them that I decided to up the price. It takes me quit a bit of time to do these chairs so I think that the price increase is pretty fair.
The second chair is Mary Engelbreit. It is absolutely one of my most favorite things that I have ever made. If I had a little girl I would definitely keep it for her. I am selling this chair for $35. I also have a matching table that I am selling for $45. I will sell the set for $70.

The last addition that I have for the markets is my little suitcase. Hopefully this one will sell as well as the other ones have. I am selling this one for $15.
 This week Fonna and I will be doing the Burien Farmers Market on Thursday and the Kent Farmers Market on Saturday. Hope to see you all this week!

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